Juan Tapiador

About me

I am a professor in the Department of Computer Science at UC3M, where I lead the Computer Security Lab.

I do research on computer security and privacy. I am broadly interested in all aspects of system and network security, and I especially enjoy conducting empirical research and measurements of large-scale systems. I have a long-standing interest in malware and tradecraft. I am also interested in understanding the impact of technology on society.

At UC3M, I've served as Director of the Master in Cybersecurity (2018-2020) and I am since 2018 Co-director of the Master in Intelligence Analysis.

I have been lucky enough to get some recognition for my work, including Noteworthy Reviewer Award at the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (2023), Communications of the ACM Research Highlights (2021), Best Practical Paper Award at the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (2020), CNIL-Inria Privacy Protection Prize (2019), AEPD Emilio Aced Prize for Privacy Research (2019), Third Place at the CSAW-Europe Applied Security Research Competition (2017), UC3M Early Career Award for Excellence in Research (2013), FPU Fellowship (2001), and UGR Outstanding Graduation Award (2000).