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Welcome to 3OHA, a place for random notes, thoughts, and factoids that I want to share or remember


11 September 2024

Seven quotes from The Inner Ring

Every know and then, this topic comes up in a conversation with a student: the desire to be part of a community, to belong to a group and gain the approval of its members. C. S. Lewis offers some insightful thoughts on seeking acceptance and validation:

"I believe that in all men's lives at certain periods, and in many men's lives at all periods between infancy and extreme old age, one of the most dominant elements is the desire to be inside the local Ring and the terror of being left outside."
"People who believe themselves to be free, and indeed are free, from snobbery, and who read satires on snobbery with tranquil superiority, may be devoured by the desire in another form."
"It is tiring and unhealthy to lose your Saturday afternoons: but to have them free because you don't matter, that is much worse."
"Unless you take measures to prevent it, this desire is going to be one of the chief motives of your life, from the first day on which you enter your profession until the day when you are too old to care."
"As long as you are governed by that desire you will never get what you want. You are trying to peel an onion: if you succeed there will be nothing left. Until you conquer the fear of being an outsider, an outsider you will remain."
"The circle cannot have from within the charm it had from outside. By the very act of admitting you it has lost it magic."

Saving the finest bit for the very end:

"The quest of the Inner Ring will break your hearts unless you break it. But if you break it, a surprising result will follow. If in your working hours you make the work your end, you will presently find yourself all unawares inside the only circle in your profession that really matters. You will be one of the sound craftsmen, and other sound craftsmen will know it. This group of craftsmen will by no means coincide with the Inner Ring of the Important People or the People in the Know. It will not shape that professional policy or work up that professional influence which fights for the profession as a whole against the public: nor will it lead to those periodic scandals and crises which the Inner Ring produces. But it will do those things which that profession exists to do and will in the long run be responsible for all the respect which that profession in fact enjoys and which the speeches and advertisements cannot maintain. And if in your spare time you consort simply with the people you like, you will again find that you have come unawares to a real inside: that you are indeed snug and safe at the centre of something which, seen from without, would look exactly like an Inner Ring. But the difference is that its secrecy is accidental, and it exclusiveness a by-product, and no one was led thither by the lure of the esoteric: for it is only four or five people who like one another meeting to do things that they like. This is friendship. Aristotle placed it among the virtues. It causes perhaps half of all the happiness in the world, and no Inner Ringer can ever have it."

All quotes extracted from The Inner Ring (1944), as contained in:

C.S. Lewis. The Weight of Glory and Other Addresses. The MacMillan Company, NY, 1949.

© 2024 Juan Tapiador