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Welcome to 3OHA, a place for random notes, thoughts, and factoids that I want to share or remember.

5 December 2023

My 2023 brag document

I used to do work for organizations that conducted annual performance reviews. The significance of such reviews, combined with my inclination to overlook essential details for the process, instilled in me the habit of keeping a brag document. I have maintained this practice since then, even though I am no longer subject to formal performance reviews.

This post is an excerpt from my 2023 brag document. It highlights the most visible impacts and achievements from this year, focusing largely on media coverage of my research and contributions towards enhancing the security of real-world systems. It is not intended to seek recognition or promotion, for I no longer care much about those aspects. I keep track of these items because it enables me to reflect on themes in my work, particularly distinguishing what eventually demonstrates a visible impact from what holds personal significance, including the substantial yet fundamentally invisible work I undertake.

This is the tip of the iceberg for 2023:

© 2023 Juan Tapiador